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Recipe Ingredients

Taiwanese Pepper Prawns and Fried Rice

Pepper Prawns

500g raw prawns

6 cloves garlic, minced or chopped

2.5cm piece of ginger, finely chopped

4 green onions, chopped

1/4 cup rice wine (Shaoxing) 

1/2 teaspoon salt 

1/4 tablespoon ground white pepper

1/2 tablespoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon Chinese 5 spice 

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


*Note: reduce the quantities of peppers if you don't like really spicy/peppery food


Fried Rice

2 tablespoons oil

3 eggs, whisked

200g bacon, diced

1/2 onion, chopped

3 cups chopped cabbage (about 3 big leaves)

1 carrot, diced

1 cup frozen corn kernels

3 cups of cooked long grain rice (Refrigerated over night or for at least 3 hours)

4 tablespoons soy sauce

1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper


Taiwanese Pepper Prawns are not dissimilar to salt and pepper prawns, but have the added spices and garlic and ginger.


This Taiwanese dish dates back to the 1970’s when the country started raising Thai freshwater prawns. The farmers would open their ponds for recreational fishing in order to increase the popularity of the prawns and sell more. It became very popular and concrete pools started appearing in the cities. This is one of the dishes that became popular due to the growing popularity of the prawns.

Equipment you need


Stirring utensils

Large saucepan or microwave container for cooking the rice

4 bowls for serving


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Eastern Asian Recipes | Asian Food

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